Make changes to your patient's exercise programme
Even after you have assigned an exercise programme to a patient, you can modify the programme. For instance, you can add or remove exercises, adjust the parameters or, e.g., add another outcome measure (questionnaire).
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- Log in to Physitack if you are not already.
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- At the bottom, click Patients and then select the patient whose active exercise programme you want to change.
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Select the appropriate exercise programme from the drop-down menu (if the patient has more than one active exercise programme) and then click the View program button.
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You will now enter the programme editor, from where you can make changes to the exercise programme.
- Click the + Add exercise button to add exercises. Select and add exercises in the same way as when creating a new exercise programme.
- Change an exercise in the exercise programme by clicking on it. This way, you can for example add additional instructions to clarify something.
- Remove exercises by clicking on the red X of the respective exercise. Is your exercise programme a weekly programme? Then you can also delete an entire day by clicking on the red X at the top, next to the date.
- Click the Change parameters button to modify the parameters of (existing or added) exercises.
- Adding educational content and outcome measures is also possible from the settings of the exercise programme. To do so, click the Settings button at the top right.
- Click the Change to weekly program link at the bottom of the exercise programme to convert your daily programme to a weekly programme. Please note that since it is an exercise programme already assigned, this step cannot be undone!
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- Click the Close link at the top left of the programme editor once you are satisfied with the changes made. The changes are saved and the patient is notified (if they have given their permission) that changes have been made to their exercise programme.
This page is part of the series Physitrack in (the) practice - created especially for novice users. Click on the links below and discover the possibilities Physitrack offers you:
- Assign your first programme:
- Select exercises and other content
- Design your exercise programme
- Assign your programme to your patient
- Print the exercise programme
- What does your patient see when logging in to PhysiApp®?
- Track the progress of your patient
- Make changes to your patient's exercise programme
- Add your practice logo to your Physitrack account
- Add your own exercises and educational material
- Add colleagues to your Physitrack subscription
- Share your patients and/or added content with your colleagues
- Use Telehealth for optimal remote care
Don't have that much time and want to get started faster? Then check out 5 steps to a flying start with Physitrack.
Want to use Physitrack even more effectively? Check Marieke's Physitrack University or our special productivity tips!