Add an outcome measure or PROM to an exercise programme

When you assign an exercise programme to a patient, you can add one or more outcome measures to it. This page tells you how to do that.

Note: To assign an outcome measure, it is not necessary for the exercise programme to include exercises. Assigning only an outcome measure is also possible.

Assign an outcome measure from the library view

Log in to Physitrack if you are not already and click the Library button in the bottom.
Click on Outcome measures for an overview and select the outcome measure you want to add to the exercise programme by clicking the circle in front of it.
When you have finished selecting (the rest of) the content and putting together the exercise programme, proceed to the stage of assigning the exercise programme to the patient.
Specify when you want the outcome measure(s) to be shown to your patient (when you want the patient to complete the questionnaire). You can choose from:
  • Start and end of exercise programme (default option),
  • Start of exercise programme,
  • End of exercise programme,
  • Regular interval, selectable in days, weeks or months,
  • On specific dates, where you can click one or more dates on the calendar that then appears.
The + Add polling moment(s) link allows you to select multiple and different polling moments during an exercise programme, such as Start of program and Regular intervals. The + Add post-program poll link allows you to show the questionnaire to the patient even when the exercise programme has already ended.
Satisfied with the chosen outcome measures and settings? Then click on the Assign program button to assign the questionnaire(s) (with possibly different content) to the patient.

Assign an outcome measure from the patient view

Log in to Physitrack if you are not already, click the Patients button in the bottom and select the patient to whom you want to assign an outcome measure.
Click the Assign new program button or, if you want to add a outcome measure to an existing and active exercise programme, select the appropriate exercise programme and click the View program button.
Now select the outcome measure(s) and proceed as described from step 2 in the Assign an outcome measure from the library view section.
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