4. Sharing explained in PT Direct

PT Direct offers powerful settings to let you manage client and content sharing within your organisation.

You can manage the sharing of:

  • Clients

    This is a great way to let your team share their patients amongst each other to ensure continuity of care (e.g. in case of people being away sick or on annual leave).

  • Content

    Allow dissemination of your own best practices and educational material by sharing exercises, exercise programs, educational content and outcome measures.

PT Direct lets you set up two types of sharing:

  1. Peer to peer sharing ("Practitioner sharing" menu in PT Direct)
  2. Master to peer sharing ("Master account" menu in PT Direct)

This is outlined in the table below.

Peer to peer ("Practitioner sharing") Master to peer ("Master account")
Create a "share group" where all clients are shared among all selected practitioners inside this PT Direct account.
Clients received from the share group are not re-shared in peer to peer sharing relationships.Create a "share group" where practitioner-created content is shared among selected practitioners.
Syndicate all custom content from a specified "feeder" account.
PT Direct content is not re-shared among peer to peer relationships.

Next: Sharing content

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