Client groups in PT Direct

With client groups, you can easily add your patients to groups, to which you can then assign exercise programmes. This feature is available for (larger) enterprises. Please contact to discuss the possibilities.

This functionality is only available on the web version of Physitrack.

With client groups enabled, all practitioners in your account have the possibility to create/edit/delete client groupings. 

1. Creating a new client group

  • Go to the Clients page
  • Click "Add client group"

  • Enter the name of the client group and press "Save client group"

  • Click the circle to the left of each client to add (or remove) the client to this group

  • Press "Save client group" to save your changes.
  • You can add a client to multiple client groups.

Note: if you are currently editing a client group and want to add a new client group, select "(all client groups)" in the drop-down to show the "Add client group" button.

2. Adding/removing clients to a client group

  • Select the client group that you want to edit
  • Check or uncheck the clients that you want to add to or remove from this group
  • Changes are saved automatically

3. Renaming a client group

  • Select the client group that you want to edit
  • Rename the client group
  • Press "Save client group"

4. Deleting a client group

  • Select the name of the client group that you want to delete
  • Click "Remove group"

If clients are shared between practitioners in your PT Direct account, then client groups are also shared.

Note that if a practitioner edits or deletes a client group, this will also affect the client groups in the accounts of the practitioners that are in the practitioner's share group.

Assigning an exercise program to an entire group at once

  • Create a program as you normally would, containing exercises, education and outcome measures - all of these categories, or just one of them (e.g. it's possible to assign just an outcome measure to a client group).
  • Click "Assign"
  • Choose the client group that you want to assign the program to

  • Click "Assign program"
  • If there are clients whose email address is missing, you will be prompted to add the missing email addresses.

    Adding an email address is optional. You could equally communicate the access codes by other means, such as writing them on a note.

If a client already has an active program, this program will be ended and the program that you assigned will be started as a new program.

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