Assign your program in 1 min (or less)

Joris Botman, a physiotherapist and long-time user of Physitrack, shares his tips on how he uses templates to assign to patients during the session with the patient (time-saving!). You can read his full article here, but in a nutshell he says:

“Look at the most common problems and patients you get in the clinic and take the time to create templates of programs you use the most. It takes a little time, but it is an enormous time-saver in the end, AND you can assign it whilst your patient is still with you.”

If you are working in a team, you can save more time by sharing content with your colleagues. If each member in a team of 10 developed and shared one template, you all get 10 for the work of one: sharing IS caring ;-)

Here’s a guide on how to create templates.

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