Cancel (and restart) subscription

Even though we are sorry to hear that you want to cancel your Physitrack subscription (temporarily or permanently), we are happy to help you with it. On this page you can read how to do so.

A Physitrack subscription can be cancelled at any time. Your cancellation will take effect from the end of the calendar month in which you cancel. Example: If you cancel on 15 March, your subscription will not be renewed in April and you will have access to your account until 31 March.

  • Once your Physitrack subscription is effectively cancelled, assigned exercise programmes are terminated and your patients can no longer provide feedback. However, patients will still be able to view their exercise programmes.
  • Please note that after cancellation, you will no longer have access to your Physitrack account, including to download your Physitrack invoices. Make sure you download your invoices before your subscription ends.
  • Cancelling your subscription will not delete your Physitrack account from our servers. You can always restart your subscription and use your existing account. Click here if you want to delete your Physitrack account.

Follow the steps below to end your Physitrack subscription:

  1. Log in to Physitrack if you are not already logged in.
  2. Click on your name at the bottom right and go to Subscription.
  3. Click on Manage subscription.

  4. Then click Cancel Subscription and confirm.

Your subscription is now cancelled from the first day of the next calendar month.
Attention: do you have a Physitrack account on the US, Australian or New Zealand server and you want to end your subscription? Click on your name at the bottom right and go to Subscription. Then click on End subscription and confirm.

Restart Physitrack subscription

Of course, you are welcome to restart your subscription at any time.

  • Has your subscription not yet ended and want to undo your cancellation?
    Click the green button at the bottom of the Subscription page to undo the cancellation. Your subscription will then be renewed as normal, as if your cancellation did not take place.
  • Has your subscription already ended and want to use Physitrack again?
    When you log in to Physitrack, you will see our payment page. Click the button to start a subscription. The system will then charge you a proportional amount for the remainder of the calendar month. You will immediately regain access to your existing Physitrack account containing your details.
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