Download patient activity logs

With a few mouse clicks, you can download a CSV file (comma-separated values) containing patient record activity for the past 90 days from your Physitrack account. On this page, you can read more about which of your patients' data is in the log file and how to download the data.

Note to practitioners in the United States of America:

Managing RTM-compliant activity is made easy with the use of Physitrack activity logs

What patient data do you find in the activity logs?

Each line in the log file starts with a timestamp (year, month, day, hour and minute), followed by one of the activities below. Placeholders (shown in red letters) are always replaced by the applicable name or other value.

  • Assigned a Program named %{program_name}
  • Opened and inspected patient
  • Received a message from the patient
  • Messaged patient
  • Made Telehealth call with the patient
  • Assigned a PROM named %{prom_name}
  • Assigned a PROM named %{prom_name} to %{program_name} program
  • Removed PROM named %{prom_name} from %{program_name} program
  • Completed exercise named %{exercise_name}
  • Filled out PROM
  • Filled out PROM named %{prom_name}
  • Assigned educational attachment named %{attachment_name} to %{program_name} program
  • Removed educational attachment named %{attachment_name} from %{program_name} program
  • Assigned exercise named %{exercise_name} to %{program_name} program
  • Removed exercise named %{exercise_name} from %{program_name} program
  • Extended the duration of program named %{program_name} from %{old_duration} day(s) to %{updated_duration} day(s)
  • Reduced the duration of program named %{program_name} from %{old_duration} day(s) to %{updated_duration} day(s)
  • Ended program named %{program_name}
  • Removed program day from %{program_name} program
  • Updated parameters for exercise named %{exercise_name} in %{program_name} program

How do I download my patient's activity log?

You download your patient's activity log in a few easy steps:

Log in to Physitrack if you are not already
Click on Patients at the bottom
Click on the patient whose activity log you want to download
Then click on the Download activity logs button
Your browser will now ask you where you want to save the log file. You can then, if you wish, upload the file into your practice management system (PMS) or electronic health record (EHR).
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