How to share your screen in a video call

Note: screen sharing is not supported in Safari.

When you are on a video call with a client, you can share (parts of) your screen with your client.

Telehealth Basic:

  1. Start a video call with a client
  2. Click on the computer icon in the left bottom corner (circled below)
  3. Choose which screen you want to share and click Share: 
  4. While you are sharing your screen, you will likely see a notification at the bottom of your screen. To stop sharing your screen, simply click "Stop sharing".

Telehealth Pro(+):

  1. Start a video call with a client
  2. Click "Share" (circled below)
  3. Click "Share entire screen" (circled below)
  4. Choose which screen you want to share and click Share:
  5. While you are sharing your screen, you will likely see a notification at the bottom of your screen. To stop sharing your screen, simply click "Stop sharing".

Note: keep the aspect ratio of your client's screen in mind when sizing the application window that you are sharing.

Note: be careful to not share confidential information that should not be shared.

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