How do I integrate with my Patient Management System?

Physitrack integrates with dozens of patient management systems (PMS) worldwide.

Please see our list of integrations.

There are three types of integrations:

  1. Single-sign on
    This type of integration lets you sign on to Physitrack directly from your PMS, while simultaneously copying your client data to Physitrack (or opening the client if they already exist). 
    The result is a smooth workflow.
  2. Single-sign on with PDF upload
    This type of integration augments the standard single-sign on integration by sending a PDF copy of the program that you've assigned back to your PMS.
    This makes it easy to keep a full client record inside your PMS, including assigned home exercise programs.
  3. Single-sign on with deeper functionality and data upload
    This type of integration augments the standard single-sign on integration by letting you assign programs to your clients from within your PMS (without having to open Physitrack). Also, rather than only a PDF copy of the assigned program, it is possible for your PMS to store the actual adherence and outcomes data with your client record, resulting in near-zero "data leakage" between your PMS and Physitrack.

Note: not all patient management systems support all types of integrations. If you would like your PMS to support a more powerful type of integration, then please contact your PMS account representative.

If your patient management system is not listed, feel free to email us about adding an integration.

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