Where does Physitrack process data?

Physitrack runs its platform and databases on Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS operates secure data centres around the world.

The table below shows in which data centres the various servers of Physitrack are run.

Physitrack instance Location of data center
au.physitrack.com Sydney, Australia
nz.physitrack.com Sydney, Australia
ie.physitrack.com Dublin, Ireland
uk.physitrack.com London, United Kingdom
de.physitrack.com Frankfurt, Germany
ch.physitrack.com Zürich, Switzerland
fi.physitrack.com Stockholm, Sweden
fr.physitrack.com Frankfurt, Germany
nl.physitrack.com Frankfurt, Germany
es.physitrack.com Frankfurt, Germany
ca.physitrack.com Montreal, Canada
us.physitrack.com North Virginia, USA
br.physitrack.com Sao Paulo, Brazil
it.physitrack.com Milan, Italy
pl.physitrack.com Frankfurt, Germany
id.physitrack.com Singapore
se.physitrack.com Stockholm, Sweden

Backups are stored in the same jurisdiction as the applicable data centre.

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