Cohort Analysis in PT Direct

Cohort Analysis is an analyst-facing PhysiData tool that enables the user to analyse outcomes data from a defined group of patients ( Cohort). 

Cohort Analysis is contained within Physitrack's enterprise license tool - Physitrack Direct - and is enabled by Physitrack when there is an active PhysiData subscription.

When a PhysiData subscription is active, Cohort Analysis is visible in the left-side Analytics navigation tab. 

Use the on-screen filters to define the cohort by:

  • Treating practitioner
  • Treating clinic (subaccount)
  • Date of treatment
  • Age
  • Condition (or procedure, diagnosis, as defined in Inputs)
  • Outcome measure (patients that have responded to an outcome measure - PROM)
  • Exercise program (note these are programs that are common to the whole group, not individual practitioners)
  • The level of the score (for outcome measures) - top or bottom % of observations

Display results by

  • Clinic (subaccount)
  • Practitioner
  • Individual patients

Results are shown in tables, and with charts if the "Show Charts for Each table" box is ticket.

NOTE: Choose Outcome Measures or Adherence with the Show Summary dropdown on the right hand side.

The top 20 results are shown on-screen, full results are available using the Download link.

See how it works here.

The Chart output shows the individual observations in the selected cohort in green and the average observation for the cohort in blue. The chart is sorted by Final Reported Outcome Measure (FROM).

The data output for outcome measures are (for cohort and the whole ecosystem)

IROM = Initial Reported Outcome Measure = the first outcome measure score of a patient

FROM = Final Reported Outcome Measure = the last instance of an outcome score of a patient

% IROM and % FROM score = How your cohort compares to the whole ecosystem

(note if a patient only provided one outcome measure score, then IROM = FROM).

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