What languages is the Physitrack library available in?

At Physitrack we publish all exercises, templates, educational content and outcome measures in English first, after which we translate them into other languages, reaching out to ever more people and communities in the world.

Translating is prioritised on patient & practitioner demand. Do you feel a language or specific content is missing? Let us know!

Language Exercises Templates Education PROMs
Arabic ** 2,853 0 0 0
Bahasa Indonesia * 5,887 0 0 0
Danish 612 76 0 0
Dutch 7,222 102 50 30
English 17,176 263 142 70
Finnish 9,406 236 17 6
French 4,168 9 1 0
German 7,752 221 8 32
Italian 6,457 219 21 20
Polish * 2,571 0 0 0
Portuguese * 5,978 58 3 0
Spanish * 6,530 0 11 0
Swedish 14,273 244 16 15
Turkish ** 4,644 0 0 0
* Besides the exercises that have been translated into this language, those that have not yet been translated are displayed in English.
** Currently, only patients can display their assigned exercises in this language.
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