Abbreviations - what do they mean?
At Physitrack, we sometimes use abbreviations to make (for example) titles of exercises easier to read. The abbreviations below are widely used in the field of (physio)therapists and other healthcare practitioners. However, Physitrack is used worldwide and it may therefore happen that an abbreviation is not immediately clear. On this page, you can see at a glance what the meaning is.
AA = active assisted
AAROM = active-assisted range of movement
AROM = active range of movement
BOSU = both sides up
BRRM = Bad Regaz ring method
DIP - distal interphalangeal joint
DNF = deep neck flexors
ER = external rotation
GHjt = gleno-humeral joint
IR = internal rotation
IRQ = inner range quads
ITB = iliotibial band
LL = lower limb
MCP = metacarpophalangeal joint
(N) = neutral
PIP = proximal interphalangeal joint
PNF = proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
PROM = passive range of movement
SCI = spinal cord injury
SCM = sternocleidomastoid
SF = side flexion
SL = single leg
SLR = straight leg raise
SLS = single leg stance
SLSq = single leg squat
TA = trans abdominus
TFL = tensor fascia lata
TMJ = temporomandibular joint
TR = turbulence resisted
UL = upper limb
VMO = vastus medialis oblique
(90) = 90 degrees