Personalising your contact with patients


Physitrack University offers practical advice on personalizing client interactions using their platform. In this tutorial, five actions are highlighted:

1. Edit Standard Email Templates: Customize the generic email clients receive when a new program is assigned, ensuring a personal touch while keeping essential information intact.

2. Personalize Exercise Information: Add individualized cues or prompts within the program editor to assist clients with specific exercises.

3. Provide Encouragement: Utilize the "Additional comments" box when assigning programs to offer personalized encouragement and support, fostering a sense of care and connection.

4. Use 2-Way Messaging: Stay in touch with clients by utilizing the platform's messaging functionality, allowing for easy communication and support throughout their program.

5. Personalize Telehealth Invitations: Tailor the standard invitation message for telehealth sessions, either in advance or before sending it out to specific clients, enhancing the personal touch of the interaction.

By implementing these simple actions, practitioners can enhance the personalized experience for their clients, ultimately adding significant value to their practice.

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