Change practitioner's programme code email in PT Direct

When one of your practitioners assigns an exercise programme to a patient whose email address is entered in Physitrack (either manually or from your PMS or EHR), that patient will receive an email with instructions on how to access their exercise programme. The text of this e-mail can be modified by either the healthcare practitioner themselves (only for their own account) or the PT Direct admin (for all connected healthcare providers).

This page explains how the text of the e-mail can be modified within PT Direct.

Log in to your PT Direct account and click on Practitioners > Defaults Scroll down to the "Email settings" section.
Select who should be the sender of the message (the healthcare practitioner or practice name). This is the sender that will be visible in the patient's e-mail.
The practice name can be set on this same page. Check here how to do that!
Select whether you want replies to the programme code e-mail to be sent to the practitioner's e-mail address or to
  • Please note that we do not forward or reply to communications that are not strictly related to technical questions about PhysiApp itself. We therefore recommend that you leave this setting on.
  • Practitioners are able to override this setting individually if you enable this setting, i.e. they can decide they do not want emails from patients sent to their email address. Practitioners are unable to override this setting if you disable this option.
Set the subject of the message.
To avoid the e-mail being marked as spam, we recommend you use a clear and short subject line.
Edit the body of the message.
Important: our system uses so-called placeholders. These are fields that you can recognise because they are enclosed in %{ }, such as %{access_code}. When the e-mail is sent, this text is replaced by patient data, such as (in this case) the access code for this patient's exercise programme. Some of these fields are mandatory and you should leave them in the message (but you decide where). See the table below for details.
Field name Required? Description
access_code yes The access code of the patient's exercise programme
additional_comments no Additional comments, if any entered on the page when the practitioner assigns the exercise programme
app_name no The name of the application the patient uses - this will be PhysiApp, unless your clinic or practice uses a Branded App
client_first_name no Patient name (first name only) - if you prefer to address patients that way
client_name no Patient name (first and last name)
date no The start date of the patient's exercise programme
link_to_app yes This is a dynamic link to the iOS/Android/web version of PhysiApp. When the patient clicks this link, the device is detected and the patient is sent to the App Store or Play Store and/or automatically signed in to the appropriate version of PhysiApp.
link_to_web_version yes This is a link to the web version of PhysiApp. Patients are redirected to PhysiApp, where they enter their year of birth and are then logged into their exercise programme.
pdf_url yes If the PDF of the exercise program is too large to be attached to the email (i.e. larger than 1 MB), a link will be displayed here, allowing the patient to download a copy of their exercise programme.
practice_name no Name of the practice, if entered on the top of this page ( where exactly?)
practitioner_name no Practitioner name (first and last name)
program_access_section yes Will display buttons in the message to open PhysiApp or open the programme in a browser
Branding options are currently not supported for buttons in emails.
Click on Preview message to preview the e-mail as it will be sent to patients after you save the changes. Click Save if you are satisfied.
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