Adding many practitioners at once in PT Direct

If you would like to add more than 30 practitioners to your PT Direct account at once:

  • Make sure that the appropriate amount of seats/licenses are available in your account.
  • If you have capacity to program against a RESTful API, please contact your Physitrack representative for technical instructions.
  • Otherwise, please send a spreadsheet with the practitioners to your Physitrack representative, and Physitrack will add these practitioners inside your PT Direct account for you.

The spreadsheet must contain the following fields (columns) for each practitioner:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • PMS token
    This is the secret token that your practice management system has generated for this practitioner. It must be unique for each practitioner.


  • If the practitioner already has an account on Physitrack, you will need to manually add them as a practitioner from the Practitioners page inside your PT Direct account
  • We can also end back the Physitrack API token for each practitioner, if your integration requires this. Please let your Physitrack representative know.
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