Add your practice details and logo to PT Direct

PT Direct allows you to upload your clinic or practice's details and logo centrally so that it becomes visible within the accounts of all connected practitioners.

Make sure you're logged in to PT Direct as the account owner, or with an account that has access to the Practitioners section.

Follow the steps below to enter your practice details:

Go to Practitioners in the menu on the left
Click on Defaults
Enter the practice details that you want shown for all practitioners in your PT Direct account
Click on Save
Scroll down to the Practice logo section and click on Choose file
Select an image of max. 2 MB on your computer. If the image is too large, it will be resized automatically.
Select your logo and click on Save to upload it into your PT Direct account.
Tip: For best results, use an image with a white background.


The practice details and logo you upload to PT Direct will at that point replace the practice details and logos that practitioners have in their own Physitrack accounts.

Practitioners always have the option of subsequently modifying the data and logo again within their own Physitrack accounts.

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