PT Direct: Tiles explained

Your branded app features a "Today" page as the app's homepage (or springboard). This works across iOS, Android and web.

The Today page will appear in 2 different states:

  1. The patient is not logged in
  2. The patient is logged in (authenticated)

Depending on the state, different tiles are shown.

There are two types of tiles:

  1. Tiles that are set programmatically by Physitrack. These contain or link to core app functionality and cannot be overridden or removed.
  2. Custom tiles, that you can add to your branded app's Today page.
    Custom tiles consist of a title, a background image and a target URL that they should lead to when the patient clicks/taps the tile. The target URL is hosted outside of Physitrack / PhysiApp and should be secure via https (TLS 1.2 or greater).

You can add custom tiles in two ways:

  1. In PT Direct (go to Brand Settings > Today Screen and change the tiles there as needed)
    These tiles are visible to all patients, whether they are authenticated or not.
  2. Via our RESTful API
    These are visible to specific, authenticated patients and can optionally contain an authentication token that is sent to your target URL via http post.

Authenticate with the Physitrack API

There are 2 ways to authenticate with the Physitrack API.

Practitioners inside PT Direct accounts

  1. The practitioner must belong to a PT Direct account that has API access enabled.
  2. Each practitioner uses their own API key, sent as a X-Api-Key header with each http request.

Practitioners without PT Direct accounts

  1. The practitioner must have an active integration with a patient management system (this can be set from My account > Settings)
  2. Each http request must include the below headers:
    • X-Api-Key : this key is visible from the My account > Settings page inside Physitrack.
    • X-Api-PMS-Name : the name of the patient management system that the practitioner is integrated with (lowercase and words separated by underscores, e.g. cliniko
    • X-Api-PMS-Key : the key that has been generated by the patient management system, and which has been entered into My account > Settings

Note that all keys and values are case sensitive.

PT Direct accounts & API keys

  • Physitrack generates an API key for each practitioner that belongs to a PT Direct account with API access enabled.
  • This API key is visible inside PT Direct. Go to the Practitioners page and click on a practitioner to see their API key.
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