Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication ("2FA") is available for all Physitrack Direct accounts, free of charge.

Enabling 2FA for the Physitrack Direct account owner

  1. To enable 2FA for your Physitrack Direct account, please email your account representative or support@physitrack.com with the request to enable two-factor authentication.
  2. Login to Physitrack Direct as you normally do
  3. You will be see a QR code, as shown below.
    Scan this QR code in Google Authenticator or Authy (these apps are available for free for iOS and Android).
  4. Enter the number that you see in the app and press Continue
  5. Done. 2FA is now enabled for you as the owner of the Physitrack Direct account.

Note: if you've lost your phone, you will need to ask your account representative to reset 2FA for your account. This may require additional security measures, such as a video call to prove your identity.

Enabling 2FA for admin users of your Physitrack Direct account

To enable 2FA for other users in your Physitrack Direct account, 2FA needs to have been enabled for your Physitrack Direct account.

  • Login to your Physitrack Direct account as account owner
  • Go to the Admin users page
  • Check the "Require 2fa" checkbox for all users for whom you require 2FA
  • Done. The next time the user logs in, they will be asked to set up a 2FA token.

Resetting a 2FA token for an admin user

If a user loses (access to) their device, you can reset the 2FA token.

  • Go to the Admin users page
  • Click on the user whose 2FA token you want to reset
  • Click the "Reset 2fa token" button
  • Done. The next time this user logs in, he/she will be prompted to scan a QR code and enter a new 2FA token.
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