Assign only an outcome measure to a patient (without sending exercises)

With Physitrack, you have the option to assign just an outcome measure to your patient, without the (exercise) programme including exercises.

The programme you assign must consist of one or more of the following elements:

  • Exercises, whether template-based or not,
  • Educational content,
  • Outcome measures.
At the bottom, click Patients and select or add the patient you want to assign an outcome measure to.
Click the Assign new program button.
Now click the Outcome measures tab and select the outcome measure you want to assign to your patient, or click on the (empty) basket and then on the Assign button.
Here, if you haven't already done so in the library, select the outcome measure(s) you want to assign and select the correct interval(s) - see step 4 on this page.
Now click the Assign program button and the outcome measure(s) will be assigned to the patient. Once the patient answers the questionnaire, they will see a message that no exercises are scheduled for that day.
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