Why is uploading my own exercise videos so slow?

If you find that uploading an exercise video takes a long time, please:

  1. Check your Internet connection speed (e.g. through www.speedtest.net). You should have an upload speed of at least 1 MB per second.
  2. Check the filesize of the video that you are uploading. 
    1. An exercise video should not be longer than 3 minutes. You can use various editing programs, such as iMovie, to split your videos.
    2. When exporting your video, compress it to 1280x720 resolution; this should keep the filesize reasonable.

If you film & upload directly from an iOS device, our app compresses your video prior to upload, to improve upload speed.

If you still experience issues uploading, please email support@physitrack.com, with the speed results from the link above.

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