How do I export client data?

  1. Login to your Physitrack account.
  2. Go go to Clients and find the client whose data you would like to export.
  3. Click the "Settings" button (top right).

  4. Click the "Download" button (top right).
  5. Choose which data you would like to download. When you click download, you will receive a convenient zip file with spreadsheets for all the data of this client.

You can also pull data on your patient's adherence and outcome measures into a PDF.

  1. From the Clients file, scroll down to the bottom of the graph from which you would like to pull this data.

    For adherence, click on the graph symbol to the top right of the graph. This will open up a new window. Right-click on the page and chose "Save as" to save this file.
    For outcome measures, when in the outcome measures tab, you will see the date(s) when the outcome measure was completed.
  2. Click on the date. This opens up a PDF with the information.
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