Tips for finding exercises

To help you navigate through the 15.000+ exercises, we’ve gathered some “best practices” from your colleagues about how to find the exercises you need!

Here are the top 5 tips:

  1. Start with searching through the free text box (keep it simple with one word)
  2. If applicable, select one of the suggested search examples in the drop-down box
  3. Then specify by using the filters to progressively narrow down your search (for instance on equipment or position)
  4. If you prefer Physitrack / Physiotools or Mobilus exercises, select only one
  5. Use “Clear filters” if you want to start searching anew.

Two extra tips from us:

  • Check out our Templates page, where we have 200+ templates ready for various conditions, that you can assign, add or adjust. This saves you from searching the exercises one by one!
  • You can also easily upload your own content. Either through the web version of Physitrack, or directly from your mobile device though the Physitrack App.
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